Monday, November 21, 2011

Barbie Doll Cake with fondant

This was they first time that I have worked with fondant. I haven't been to any classes, my teachers were buddy (watching every episode of Cake Boss) and google + YouTube lol. I followed guidelines from she is honestly AMAZING! wow. Anyway for my barbie cake I made a coffee cake, yeah I know that one would usually make a chocolate or vanilla barbie cake but I don't know what made me make the coffee cake. Here goes:

Step one: Bake your cake

As I had said earlier, I made a coffee cake. I also used a barbie cake mould and had to double the ingredients therefore double the baking time as well.

So once the cake is done, ensure that it is smooth all around, this is the smoothest cake I've ever made and I think that the mould has a lot to do with the smoothness. It doesn't have to be extremely smooth underneath as that part will not be visible but it shouldn't leave your cake tilted either. Once the cake has cooled (I left mine in the fridge as I read that it is easier to work with) you can start to decorate it.

Step 2: Using Fondant

As I've said before, I've never worked with or even touched fondant before this in my life so if it is incorrect PLEASE feel free to correct me. I learned this off YouTube and google and cake boss LOL.

First you will need to colour your fondant so you need to apply some food colouring in the centre and work the fondant the same way you would when making any dough. I don't know if this is normal but to me the fondant had a very funny smell. It's not something I would want to taste though I've heard that marshmallow
fondant tastes quite good.

The plan was initially to make a black and white gown but the fondant was becoming grey I think it was because the food colouring was very weak so I decided to mix some red in and boom I got a lilac colour.

 Step 3: Dirty ice the cake

I've used a coffee butter icing to ice the cake. The above picture shows that the icing is not too smooth however you should try to smoothen it as much as you can.

Step 4: Roll out the fondant

Now you will have to roll out your Fondant. Remember, don't colour all your fondant as you may need to colour a few pieces different colours so that you can make different decorations.

I rolled out some white fondant, not too thick pieces just to use at the bottom of the cake as frills for the barbies gown. It is SO SIMPLE! I thought that I would have had a problem with the frills but it was in fact a piece of cake.The width/longness needs to be almost twice the size of the cake (because of the frills) and the height needs to only be about a quarter the height of the cake.

I then rolled out the purple piece of fondant.

*Tip: If you are like me and cannot roll out a perfect circle, roll out the fondant then take a plate, place it face down on the fondant and cut out the circle using a knife or pizza cutter.

The Fondant should not be too big as it will cover the frills, make it long enough so that it just covers the top of the frills.

The cake should have a hole in the middle at the top for the barbie to fit. The fondant should cover that hole for now, it is fine as you will cut the piece covering it later.

Step 5: Dress Barbie

I then made a little top for the doll.
I removed the dolls legs and adjusted the length of the top.I also adjusted the hole in the cake to fit the doll in.

Step 6: Make the hole

Fit the doll in the cake. Adjust the hole accordingly.

Step 7: Decorate!!!

This is the part where you decorate the doll as you wish. I put a belt in the centre to hide the piece where the doll fits into the cake not that it was untidy.

And there you have it, your very own home made Barbie Doll cake!!....

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